Facilities Management

Our Experience

Robust FM Bid Experience: We have wide expertise in the Facilities Management sector, bolstered by Chris's significant experience in procuring FM services at CCS. This inside perspective enriches our approach to bid writing for FM services, providing us with a competitive edge.

Wide-Ranging Service Bids: Our team has successfully completed over 100 bids in Facilities Management, covering essential services such as security, cleaning, catering, and more. This extensive experience showcases our ability to understand and articulate the unique aspects of each FM service in our bids.

Framework Opportunities Galore: The FM sector is characterised by its reliance on framework agreements, with CCS, Crescent, NHS, Social Housing, and Universities being key commissioners. These frameworks present numerous opportunities for FM providers to showcase their services and secure contracts.

Strategic Framework Navigation: Leveraging our deep understanding of these frameworks, we guide FM providers through the intricacies of the bidding process, ensuring their services are presented compellingly and in alignment with the specific requirements of each framework.

Tips for FM Bids

  • Emphasis on Processes: Safety and operational efficiency are paramount in FM services. Our bids emphasise your robust processes, particularly those related to safety, showcasing your commitment to high standards.

  • Value-for-Money Propositions: Demonstrating value for money is crucial in winning FM bids. We help articulate how your FM services provide cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality, aligning with the financial objectives of commissioners.

  • Environmental Considerations: With an increasing focus on sustainability, our bids highlight your environmental policies and practices, showcasing how your FM services contribute to environmental goals and compliance.

  • Integrating Social Value: Social value has become a significant factor in FM procurement. We assist in weaving your social value contributions into the bid narrative, demonstrating how your services benefit the community and align with broader social objectives.